Sunday, September 11, 2016

Senator Tim Kaine delivers the keynote address at the 2016 HRC National Dinner

Kaine has a strong commitment to LGBTQ equality. In addition to supporting marriage equality, Kaine is an original co-sponsor of the Equality Act.

September 10,2016

While TRUMP/PENCE are speaking to mainly "WHITE REPUBLICAN CHRISTIAN EVANGELICALS" at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, Tim Kaine is speaking at the HRC National Dinner. 

For those who do not know what the VALUES VOTER SUMMIT is let me give you words from their website: 

"Values Voter Summit was created in 2006 to provide a forum to help inform and mobilize citizens across America to preserve the bedrock values of traditional marriage, religious liberty, sanctity of life and limited government that make our nation strong. It has drawn over 3,000 plus attendees from around the nation and foreign countries. Garnering national and international media attention, CNN named it "one of the conservative movement's marquee annual events" and Sean Hannity called it "the premier conservative event now in the country." 

At the Values Voter Summit this year the line up of speakers include some of this countries TOP ANTI-LGBT individuals. Those who that are vehemently against the LGBT Community include a handful of Conservative Christain Evangelical that TRUMP/PENCE have been cozing up too. One of the Conservatives that TRUMP supposedly gave $100,000 to his church for flood vicitms is Tony Perkins, who lost everything in flood. Tony Perkins is vehemently against the LGBT Community. Like all the other conservatives including Dr. Dobson, Phil Robertson, Tony Perkins is crying out that their "RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS" are being preyed upon by the LGBT Community.

One only has to go to Values Voter Summit website to see how many individuals who CONSTANTLY SPEW HATE towards the LGBT COMMUNITY are going to be there. 

To all those people out there that are going to VOTE for TRUMP/PENCE because you think they will "Make America Great Again", I need you to realize AMERICA HAS NEVER STOPPED BE GREAT. AMERICA is falling apart because of all the HATE BEING SPEWED from the CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS, REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS, and NEWS MEDIA.


 Don't wake up on November 9th and be mad because your life is changing for the worse because you did not exercise your RIGHT to VOTE.

Thank God for Hillary Clinton's running mate who has LOVE and COMPASSION in his heart for the LGBT Community as well as ALL HUMANS BEING. Tim Kaine will make a huge difference in the office of Vice President for this GREAT COUNTRY for the LGBT Community!!!

I not only a Gay man who is OUT and PROUD, I am a CHRISTIAN Gay Man who is OUT and PROUD for JESUS. As I sit and listen to this man Tim Kaine speak an overwhelming sense of peace and love come over me. I can feel it in my heart that this man really cares for ALL AMERICANS.

Watch Tim Kaine's Address Here:


Congressman John Lewis, GREAT CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER will also be speaking at the HRC National Dinner. I for one am so honored that this CHRISTIAN MAN would stand up for MY RIGHTS as a GAY MAN in this GREAT COUNTRY of ours. God be with him as he speaks and continues to FIGHT the GOOD FIGHT FOR EQUALITY FOR ALL PEOPLE!!!!

One of the "Big Six" leaders of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, John Lewis has continued to fight for people's rights since joining Congress in 1987.

 In the wake of the mass shooting that took place on June 12, 2016, in Orlando, Florida, Lewis led a sit-in comprised of approximately 40 House Democrats on the floor of the House of Representatives on June 22nd in an attempt to bring attention and force Congress to address gun violence by taking definitive legislative action. “We have been too quiet for too long,” Lewis said. “There comes a time when you have to say something. You have to make a little noise. You have to move your feet. This is the time.” The protest came just days after several measures including a bill regarding background checks and adding restrictions on the purchase of guns by people on the federal no-fly list, failed in the Senate. Senator Chris Murphy applauded the protest. Murphy had previously led a filibuster in the Senate which led to the subsequent vote.


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