Sunday, September 4, 2016

This pill allows you to have a greater sense of safety and empowerment. So why aren't more people taking it?

PrEP, also known as Truvada, is a pill that more and more people are taking daily to prevent HIV and because it provides them with a greater sense of safety and empowerment in their sex life. So why aren't more people taking it?
More and more young people are taking a daily pill that provides them with a greater sense of safety and empowerment in their sex lives—and it’s not birth control.

Say hello to PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, a new drug that is more than 90% effective at preventing HIV when taken as instructed. Holy crap, right?

So why isn’t everyone at an elevated risk for HIV taking the drug—which is sold under the brand name Truvada—or at least talking about it?

Well, for a few key reasons, including a lack of awareness among doctors, cost, and access to healthcare. Watch and learn more.

Big thanks to Megan Coleman of Whitman-Walker Health and Callen-Lorde for their contributions to this video.
Read more articles from Fusion, here.

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