Thursday, December 1, 2016

Preach Unto Them JESUS - LGBTQ People God LOVES YOU just as YOU ARE

Love people to JESUS - NOT hate them to HELL

 David Moorman




Glory to God for a Minister that is STANDING UP for what is RIGHT!!

I know this man is PREACHING the TRUTH, because I have been TOLD by ALMIGHTY GOD through a PROPHET that there is NOTHING WRONG with me. I am a BLOOD BOUGHT, Spirit Filled, Tongue Talking Gay Man of God and NO ONE can take my Salvation from ME. Read more about God's love in my blog post called  Love and Understanding.

Our God, Our Heavenly Father DOES NOT CONDEMN you for the way HE CREATED YOU. Our Father in Heaven CELEBRATES with the ANGELS everytime one of HIS CHILDREN - Heterosexual or LGBTQ - comes to Him and accepts HIM as the Lord of their LIFE...

Do you know HIM my friends?


God is a good God and He will love you like no other. If you are scared, lonely, confused, hurting and in need of Prayer, please do not hesitate to Private Message me on Facebook or you can EMAIL ME. No matter what you are going through LGBTQ people God is here to help you. God called me for such a time as this and I am going to be obedient to HIS CALL on my life...

No more will I sit idol and do nothing or say nothing for fear of what mankind might say or do. My God is Bigger than any Mountain and Jesus said we would be hated just like He was for SPEAKING THE TRUTH. I am ready to hated for the Sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

LGBTQ PEOPLE you are GODS CHILDREN TOO and HE wants to have a personal RELATIONSHIP with you right now.  

Please do not let what your HEAR from the anti-LGBTQ leaders moving into positions of power because of TRUMP, make you feel less than human. YOU were created by a GOD that is BIGGER and RICHER than TRUMP and all his cabinet combined and HE will GET YOU THROUGH!!! AMEN!!!

Blessings and Peace, David Moorman

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