Friday, December 2, 2016


Oklahoma Republican Representative Steve Russell

Rep. Steve Russell has just proven HIV/AIDS Constituents DO NOT matter to him

David Moorman



This past week we scored a huge Victory #RejectRussell amidst the HORROR of this NEW Presidential ADMINISTRATION. Congressional Republicans caved and agreed to strip the anti-LGBTQ Russell Amendment from the defense spending bill. The provision would have given religiously affiliated organizations license to discriminate against women, the LGBTQ community and religious minorities using taxpayer dollars, undermining the protections currently in place for people employed by federal contractors. 

Defeating the Russell Amendment is just one of many upcoming fights to protect the rights of LGBTQ people. Homophobic right-wing Republicans, including Trump and Pence, are going to keep trying to find ways to push their bigotry into action. But we know that together we can stand up to their hate.

This is how the Conservatives see what has happened this last week as the Democrats and LGBTQ Activist celebrate another VICTORY for RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and LGBTQ RIGHTS as human beings.

Conservatives let out a sigh of relief at the draft provision’s demise, even as they compromised on other areas within the bill important to their constituents. Senate Democrats threatened to filibuster the entire $618.7 billion package if Republicans did not expunge a religious liberty amendment from Rep. Steve Russell, R-Okla., which aimed to protect faith groups from discrimination in their work contracts with the Defense Department.

“I’m confident we will see this brought to a complete resolution in the near term,” Russell told me. “They’re tactical ways and then there are strategic ways, but I don’t think anyone on the opposing side of this issue is under any illusion that they somehow won.”

Russell said he’s disappointed his amendment failed, but he told me he has “positive signs” of full support from President-elect Donald Trump’s future administration.

Today I received another LETTER from Rep. Steve Russell in response to my letter to him concerning FY2017 House and Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bills and using the appropriate amount of funds to continue HIV/AIDS funding.
I have included a copy of the letter I sent to Rep. Steve Russell as well as a copy of the letter I just received from him.

You can already see from Rep. Steve Russell's responce to his amendment being removed from the Defence Bill, he thinks that the Conservative Republicans will get whatever they want under the new Trump Administration. 

I have warned EVERYONE that these men have an evil agenda to STRIP away all LGBTQ RIGHTS and TAKE AWAY all MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS for those in MOST IN NEED of ASSISTANCE.

Here is the Letter I sent to Rep. Steve Russell:


As you can see I even tried to appeal to him as one of his constituents who will be affected by the loss of Programs that help me with paying for my HIV Medication. In Rep. Steve Russell's response, he NEVER ONCE mentions anything about money for HIV/AIDS Programs. 

Here is the Letter I received today from Rep. Steve Russell:

 As you can see from this RESPONSE from Rep. Steve Russell, it looks as if people living with HIV/AIDS are of NO Consequence to these men in Congress. Now that they feel so entitled because of President-Elect Trump it is going to be a step back in time. As you can plainly see from this letter that the intentions of Congress will be funding priority for MILITARY purposes above all else. I am appalled by this RESPONSE that did NOT answer my CONCERNS at all.

I for one will NOT sit IDOL while these MEN work to do away with the PROGRAMS those of us with HIV/AIDS need to get our medication and see our doctors. This is just the beginning of the TYRANY we are going to see because of President-Elect TRUMP and Vice President PENCE, who hates the LGBTQ Community himself. 

Believe me I am going to do whatever I can to take care of this HORRIBLE INJUSTICE in appropriations spending for HIV/AIDS Programs. I encourage everyone who is living with HIV/AIDS and all those who KNOW someone living HIV/AIDS to go here: AIDS UNITED ACTION CENTER and LET YOUR VOICE be heard. WE NEED TO LET THESE CONGRESS MEMBERS know that we ARE NOT GOING TO LIE DOWN AND DIE because they DO NOT WANT TO MAKE SURE WE GET WHAT WE NEED TO LIVE. 


Please take the time to let your voice be heard today.

Blessings and Peace,
David Moorman

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