Friday, November 4, 2016

What If Young Women Were Offered PrEP or PEP?

November 1, 2016


Let me start by posing these questions: how many young women are having sex in your community? How many of those are having it safely? And how many of those are having it consensually?

All these questions are coming alive as I type this as I anticipate that the answers could be provided by the scientists who I rubbed shoulders with at the 2016 HIV Research for Prevention (HIVR4P) conference. HIVR4P is the only global conference that brings together researchers and community advocates from all over the world in support of the cross-fertilization of work on HIV vaccines, microbicides, PrEP, treatment as prevention, and other biomedical prevention approaches. R4P provides a forum to discuss research findings alongside community experiences. 
This year the conference was held in Chicago, USA with almost 1,500 delegates in attendance.

About three weeks ago I came across a very disturbing story of a young girl who was raped by seven men. Chikondi (name changed to keep her identity confidential) is a 14-year-old girl who comes from a rural part of Salima District in Malawi. The son of the community's traditional leader was celebrating his birthday. To show solidarity, community members on such occasions are expected to celebrate with the family. Such celebrations are usually conducted at night and are known as "Mchezo" in my local language.

On the night of the celebration, Chikondi and her younger sister attended the night party. Around 11pm, whilst the party was still going on, Chikondi and her sister decided to leave early. They were assured that it was safe for them to travel back home since the community was still awake. On the way home they met seven men who raped Chikondi, but she managed to identify one of the boys. The issue was reported to the traditional leader of the community who ruled that each of the seven men should pay 10 dollars. Out of that money 20 dollars was given to the parents of Chikondi as compensation and the case was closed.

When I heard the story my heart broke. I thought of Chikondi, I thought of the trauma and psychological torture she was going through. I asked myself, what if one of the men was HIV-positive? What if one of them had STIs? And then I thought: how many other young women in Chikondi's community are being sexually abused? Maybe you have some answers. But I don't. So many thoughts lingered my mind. And then for a minute, I asked myself, "What if post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) was readily available and accessible in Chikondi's community? Or what if pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) was one of the HIV prevention interventions readily available to young women in Chikondi's community? What difference would it make in Chikondi's situation?

Unfortunately, this is far from the reality. Despite the fact young women and girls are continuously being subjected to sexual abuse that puts them at risk of HIV (not to mention host of other threats to mind and body), there are still limited options available when it comes to HIV prevention interventions. Condoms, which are not readily available, remain the only HIV prevention interventions available for young women in Malawi. Yet young women and girls don't have the power to negotiate for safe sex.

On the other hand, our policy makers have taken a stand: In Malawi as a country, they say, we are not ready for interventions like PrEP.

After listening to numerous presentations and stories from different research experts and community advocates I have learnt that young women and girls are indeed at risk. There are over 7,500 young women getting infected with HIV every week. From the conference I have also learnt that PrEP works if taken every day. Currently, there are few countries where PrEP is now accessible to the general public. And my question is when will PrEP be available in Malawi? When will Malawi be ready for PrEP? If we are saying our girls don't need PrEP then what are we offering them instead?

It is time to act. We cannot wait anymore. Not when our young women and girls are continuously being put at risk of HIV.

Maureen Luba coordinates an advocacy project that aims at improving the participation of people living with HIV and key populations in the Global Fund and PEPFAR processes in Malawi. She is very passionate about HIV prevention efforts for young women and girls. Maureen was also a 2015 AVAC Fellow.

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