Tuesday, November 8, 2016

8 Habits of People With Hidden Depression - HIV will play a huge role in Depression

Jul 16, 2015

 If you know someone who is suffering from any type of Cronic Disease, it is always a good idea to watch for warning signs that your friend or family member may sinking into a depressive state. 

Most people who are depressed will not talk about and will NOT seek help. It is up to you as a family member or friend to try and help them get the help they need.

1. Has Quiet Periods of Dormancy
Period of quiet dormancy or isolation is one of the main signs that a person is suffering from depression. The person may disappear into his or her home for months and not come out to interact with the rest of the world.

2. Has Frequent Crying Spells
A depressed person will often have crying spells. The spells may be relevant to a negative experience, or they may be sentimental tears. Nevertheless, frequent tears often lead to depression.

3. Holds a Negative Outlook on Life
A depressed person will have an overall negative outlook on life. He or she will think that everything is going to go poorly, and everyone is against him or her.

4. Misses Work a Lot
A depressed person will miss work or school frequently because of the condition. The person may be dishonest about the illness, or he or she may be secretive about it.

5. Avoid Social Activities
A depressed individual will try his or her best not to get involved in social activities. The depressed state may make the person feel fatigued, which will cause him or her to desire to stay home in the dark.

6. Expresses Past Regrets
Depressed people experience depressed feelings. Regretful feelings are unhappy thoughts about decisions that the person made in the past. A depressed person may feel unhappy about a relationship that ended or a job that the person lost. The individual may feel as if a moving decision was poor and detrimental to that person’s status.

7. Feels Unloved
Depressed people often feel as if no one loves them. Therefore, a depressed person will often show signs of feeling all alone and hopeless. The person may make relevant commentary, or the person may walk through life with a defeated expression.

8. Disinterest in Former Activities of Interest
Finally, a depressed person may feel as if he or she has no interest in former activities any further. Friends and family members may notice the person’s refusal to participate in activities of old.

A concerned friend or family member should offer help and support to the depressed person. The person should make sure not to offend the depressed person, but to offer him or her love and mercy.

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