Evangelical Christian claims
"LGBT Bullies Put Me on 'Hate List'"
All the while support one of America's Largest Hate Groups
"If a group is being hateful and bigoted then they should be called out no matter what group they are hating on. U.S. Conservatives claim they are bullied every time they are called out for bulling and hating on the LGBTQ Community in the name of God who created the LGBTQ people too in His likeness. The SPLC works to help stop the DISCRIMINATION against the LGBTQ and they have a list of people and organizations that do just that. If you are put on the list then you are promoting HATE and BIGOTRY which people have the RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT."
Hannah Scherlacher spoke out after she was placed on an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual) hate list by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
She said she was put on the list following a radio interview she did with the Family Research Council.
'Bullying Tactic'
Scherlacher, who works for conservative free speech group Campus Reform, said she was labelled an LGBT-hater despite the topic not being discussed."The segment was about socialism, but because FRC holds traditional family values, I was labeled an LGBT-hater just for being a guest on the show."
She described the list as a "bullying tactic employed by the left to silence conservative ideas."
'Mob Rule'
Scherlacher said such a list "not only stifles free speech and expression, it empowers and emboldens vicious groups and individuals to violently attack people."
"Americans are afraid to voice any form of dissent from the social or economic progressive agenda for fear of losing their academic standings, their jobs, or being labeled hateful and bigoted.""The LGBTQ Community does NOT violently attack people, that would be the HATE GROUPS being supported by AMERICANIZED EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS"
Pentagon cuts SPLC ties"It is the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT who is working toward suppressing FREEDOM of SPEECH and IDEAS because of this President who is working on becoming the first DICTATOR of the USA, Donald Trump. Once again Hannah is twisting what is happening in the USA to make herself feel good about her HATE."
Her response comes as it was revealed the Pentagon recently stopped using SPLC as a training resource on extremism.
According to an email seen by the Daily Caller, the Department of Defense has removed all references to the SPLC from its training materials.
Assistant US attorney Brian J Field said this decision was "based upon guidance from the Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity".
"This current administration REMOVED the LGBTQ PEOPLE from the WHITE HOUSE web page the first day of Donald Trump's Presidency proving that HATE is prevailing in AMERICA towards the LGBTQ Community."
Children's Charity Axed
Last month, pro-family group The Ruth Institute was axed by its online payments provider after it was placed on the LGBT hate list.
"LGBTQ people have NO CONTROL over what organizations do towards groups who promote HATE and BIGOTRY. This organization needs to quit blaming a group of people and put the blame where it belongs, on themselves for promoting HATE."
Online donation processing company Vanco cancelled its services to the group without notice, stating it believed it was affiliated "with a product/service that promotes hate, violence, harassment and/or abuse".
The Ruth Institute, which helps children suffering from the effects of family breakdown, said the move was probably due to its traditional stance on LGBT issues.

Article from Charisma News.
It never ceases to amaze me that people like Hannah Scherlacher will make these horrible remarks against the LGBTQ Community when they get their feelings hurt or get CALLED OUT for spreading HATE.
" Hannah Scherlacher spoke out after she was placed on an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual) hate list by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).She said she was put on the list following a radio interview she did with the Family Research Council."
What Hannah Scherlacher fails to realize is that she was on a radio program hosted by an organization that has made its mission to SPREAD HATE against a group of people CREATED BY GOD just as they are for HIS GLORY, the LGBTQ PEOPLE.
If you look at the above pamphlet that was passed out this last weekend at The Voters Values Summit you can see that they are spreading hate and bigotry in the name of GOD. God does NOT endorse this nor does He support Organizations who harbor so much HATE. These will be the people He says "Depart from me, I never knew you, you workers of iniquity" Matthew 7:21-23 on judgement day.
This organization allowed a known WHITE SUPREMACIST to speak at the convention {Steve Bannon} and {Donald Trump} the man elected as President who is destroying everything good about AMERICA. BOTH of these men PROMOTE HATE which is right along with what the FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL does against the LGBTQ Community. Neither of these men are "Christians", yet they are held in HIGH esteem by the AMERICANIZED EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS as men of God. God warn against such things in Isaiah 5:20 where He says NOT to call bad good and good bad, which the AMERICANIZED EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS continue to do in direct disobedience to GOD.
She claims "MOB RULE" against the LGBTQ Community, but as you can plainly see in AMERICA is obvious that the LGBTQ Community is the one being bullied, belittled, and hated against in the name of GOD who created us ALL in HIS likeness for HIS glory!!! The modern Americanized Evangelical Christian has lost site of the WORD of GOD that says LOVE ONE ANOTHER... NO WHERE in the WORD of GOD does it give a "CHRISTIAN" permission to spread HATE towards others.
The Pentagon under the RULE of AMERICA'S most EVIL PRESIDENT, is making changes to laws that protect the RIGHTS of the LGBTQ Community and we will continue to FIGHT for our GOD GIVEN RIGHT to BE exactly who HE CREATED US TO BE. NO man or woman can ever change the FACT that GOD created the LGBTQ people just as He created the rest of humanity. If you want to take the time to find out WHY I will forever be a GOOD SHEPARD to the LGBTQ Community you can read my blog post "Love and Understanding".
This current Administration is being heavily supported by the AMERICANIZED EVANGELICAL CHURCH who have forgotten what our GOD has told them to do. Yes we are commanded to pray for those in authority 1 Timothy 2:2-3, we are not commanded to support them and call them good when they are evil according to the WORD OF GOD,2 Timothy 3:1-9 and Matthew 7:15-20.
As the end of time gets closer we will experience people like Hannah Scherlacher and organizations like Family Research Council that will fit the mold of the following scriptures, Matthew 7:15-20 and 2 Timothy 3:1-9.
I pray for Hannah that God will forgive her for the HATE she is displaying and help her come to know the TRUTH of the WORD OF GOD.
To all my LGBTQ brothers and sisters I implore you to keep the FAITH and CONTINUE to LOVE and PRAY for those who are spiteful towards you. Let the WORDS of these scriptures be always in your heart: Luke 6:27-36 and Matthew 5:43-48.
Blessings and Peace,
Rainbow Pastor David
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