Sunday, May 29, 2016

My Continued Journey Living with HIV

May 28, 2016 is my 7th Anniversary since being diagnosed with HIV.

 I still remember May 28, 2009 at 10:15am like it was yesterday. I remember sitting there staring at that clock, feeling numb all over. All I wanted to do was get out of that office when I was told those words, you are positive. It all seemed like a dream a very bad dream. It was reality tho and I have been living with HIV now for seven years.

 Seven years may not seem like much too some people but living with a disease that is slowly destroying your body seems like an eternity. I know there are so many out there living with this disease for 20 – 30+ years already and I am so glad that some of them are my friends and mentors. I have met some awesome people online that have been a major encouragement to me. I am thankful for the groups online that are available to people living with HIV to learn from others that you will live past being diagnosed. I am forever grateful for a wonderful life partner that has put up with all my ups and downs the past seven years. I am also so grateful for great parents and friends who have been here for me through this journey.

The last couple of years have been difficult for me with different health issues getting me down. I have been able to share with others and learn how to cope with the changes in my body. It has not been a bed of roses and I would not wish this disease on anyone. However, I am thankful that God has given me the strength to learn how to manage living with a disease that is a destroyer. My prayer is that one day soon they will find a cure for this horrific disease. Until that day I will continue to live one day at a time. I may have HIV but HIV will not have me. God bless all who are living with a disease that has no cure. May God be with you all through the good days and the bad days that lie ahead. May the light of God’s mercy be upon you.
David A. Moorman