Are you going to be part of the “Cop-Out Christianity”
or a SOLD OUT believer of JESUS and HIS TRUTH?
Rainbow Pastor David
“Americanized Evangelical Churches” have compromised the Word of God allowing MEN and WOMEN to RISE UP as SUPERSTARS who talk of Self happiness, seeking success, seeking wealth, and much more “It’s all about me” nonsense instead of PREACHING the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL. The "SUPERSTAR" ministers of the AMERICANIZED EVANGELICAL CHURCH are creating a building full of "GOOD PEOPLE" who do not realize they actually NEED a SAVIOR and that they NEED to REPENT of their SINS.
It is time for men and women from ALL walks of life to take a stand against the “FEEL GOOD” preachers who stand up in front of a large crowd and television on Sunday Morning, smiling as they try to convince you to “RELEASE your FAITH” through your pocket book, so God can pour out a blessing upon you. God’s Word warns against these FAKE PREACHERS in Matthew 7:15-20
“Be wary of false preachers who smile a lot, dripping with practiced sincerity. Chances are they are out to rip you off some way or other. Don’t be impressed with charisma; look for character. Who preachers are is the main thing, not what they say. A genuine leader will never exploit your emotions or your pocketbook. These diseased trees with their bad apples are going to be chopped down and burned.”
Malachi 3:8-11 teaches that God will pour out a blessing you can not contain if you bring your tithes and offerings to the church so it can sustain itself while helping others. It does NOT say give your money to any particular ministry so you can get rich. God will give you what you need when you depend on Him NOT mankind. Jesus asked, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” Mark 8:36-37. If you are allowing the “FEEL GOOD, MONEY HUNGRY, SELF RELIANT” preachers to continue feeding your spirit man you will end up with NOTHING in the end except emptiness, bitterness and broke. The “STUFF” that you surround yourself with because it is programmed into your mind daily that you “NEED” something, will all fade away. It is only the RELATIONSHIP you have with JESUS that will matter in the end.
When you start getting rid of all the “STUFF” in your life that you really DON’T need, you will discover that you life becomes more free. So, implore you to TURN OFF that SUNDAY MORNING TV PREACHER who is, NOT a TRUE man/woman of GOD, feeding you lies and false hope and find yourself a body of believers who want their lives to reflect JESUS more than the WORLD. You will be so much happier when you quit thinking about what all you can accumulate and start thinking about how GOD can use you to BLESS others.
We are living in a time my friends where “AMERICANIZED EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS” are starting to CHANGE their theology {belief system about GOD} because they are ASHAMED of the WORDS of JESUS CHRIST, because it is NOT POPULAR. In 2 Timothy 4:3-5 we read about people changing the Word to fit their life instead of changing their life to fit the WORD of GOD. Romans 1:16-17 tells us that the WORD of GOD is POWERFUL for it saves souls and gives you a wonderful life if you chose to NOT be ashamed of GOD.
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Without Jesus in your life and living a life as Jesus wants you are living a LIE!!! |
Jesus wants you to lose your life for HIM so HE can give life back to you with abundance of peace and comfort. All He asks is that you do NOT DENY HIM. Matthew 10:29-39 Jesus lets us know that we are NOT worthy of HIM or GOD if chose to deny HIM in front of others. In Malachi 3:13-18 God warns what will happen to those who chose to turn their backs on God and “DO IT THEIR WAY”. The WORLD we live in is a “ME-ME-ME” world so we need to DENY “ME” and LIVE in CHRIST so we are NOT cut off from our CREATOR GOD.
We can busy our lives with good things that aren't the most important thing, there in creating a sort of COP-OUT CHRISTIANITY.
You see so many people are willing to care for the poor, fight for human rights, fight for racial reconciliation and even work towards reconciliation between denominations. These are good, important, biblical causes; however they are NOT the most import thing GOD wants us to do. GOD wants us to SPREAD the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL.
We are witnessing fewer and fewer “MINISTERS” and even “CHRISTIANS” spreading the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL because they are afraid of persecution. These “Christians”, I refer to as “Americanized Evangelical Christianity” because they “CLAIM to know CHRIST and do all kinds of good works” however they have no power in their life because they lead wicked lives according to 2 Timothy 3:1-9. These are the ones who will stand before God on Judgment Day bragging of all their good deeds, yet God will say He never knew them, because they used HIM to make themselves look good, Matthew 7:21-23.
These “Americanized Evangelical Christians” work hard at feeding the poor, fighting for human right {unless they are LGBTQ}, fighting against racial discrimination {if it suits their cause}, fighting for their right to discriminate based on what they perceive as God’s Will; however NONE of them actually spread the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL that ALL MANKIND can be saved if they ACKNOWLEDGE the LORD JESUS CHRIST. These “Christians” are running scared from standing up for the TRUTH’S of the WORD of GOD because the CORE TRUTH’S are NOT “POLITICALLY CORRECT.” Listen people GOD is NOT “politically correct”, never has been – NEVER will be.
“Americanized Evangelicals” know they will not be persecuted for doing the “EASY THINGS” in the WORD of GOD. Yes, you will be persecuted when YOU DECIDE to STAND UP for the HARD TRUTH of the WORD of GOD, that is to tell someone they are by “Nature” an object of wrath and they will have to stand before a HOLY GOD and there is NO NAME under HEAVEN by which you can be saved except by the NAME of JESUS CHRIST. When you call out sin for what it is in Scripture you will be persecuted. Jesus tells us we will be persecuted and we should be joyful for being persecuted for HIS NAME SAKE. In Matthew 5:10-12 we read,
“You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom. Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don’t like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble."
All those previous mentioned things “Christians” do for Jesus are NOBLE and GODLY, but it is easy to hide behind them and refrain from sharing the GOSPEL.
Jesus, however, wants us to not fear being persecuted because He knows how easy it will be for us to run away from spreading the Gospel. He encouraged His disciples in John 16:31-33 and those words of encouragement are for each of us who follow HIM today.
Jesus answered them, “Do you finally believe? In fact, you’re about to make a run for it—saving your own skins and abandoning me. But I’m not abandoned. The Father is with me. I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.”
In this World full of Sin and Hate, You will lose your life, you will lose your reputation if you chose to be one of the few who STAND UP for the TRUTH of the WORD of GOD and NOT BE ASHAMED.
I do not want to be ashamed of JESUS and HIS WORD just because it may not be “politically correct”, because I do not want Jesus to be ashamed of me when He comes and I stand before God on judgment day.
I urge you to lay it all down for JESUS. Time is short, read your BIBLE from COVER to COVER and KNOW that when you chose to STAND UP for the TRUTH you have a SAVIOR standing beside you through any persecution that will come your way.
It is time for us to as TRUE BELIEVERS, to HURT for the sake of JESUS, so we can let those who do not know HIM how much HE LOVES them. It is time to do the RIGHT THINGS not just the EASY THINGS for the KINGDOM of GOD. God will give you the EQUIPMENT you need to STAND UP against the EVIL in this WORLD. You will find that equipment in Ephesians 6:10-18.
I implore ALL of GOD’S CHILDREN, including HIS RAINBOW CHILDREN {LGBTQ} to NOT be ASHAMED of the GOSPEL. I implore you to be A WARRIOR for CHRIST NOT a “COP-OUT CHRISTIAN” who runs from the TRUTH.
Blessings and Peace,
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