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Giving that Republican Thumbs Up in support for {Hitler Trump}... |
Gov. Kevin Stitt Plans to Use His Office to Align
‘With What God Is Doing in Oklahoma’
right-wing evangelist Lance Wallnau was in the audience at Gov. Kevin Stitt’s
prayer service and posted
video of the Stitt’s remarks on his Facebook page.
Lance Wallnau is a strategist, futurist and compelling communicator who has
shared platforms with Ben Carson, Mike Pompeo and best-selling authors Ken
Blanchard and John Maxwell. He has been hailed as the modern Prophet of God
whose predictions always come to pass.
of God – I don’t think so…
only needs to visit his website to see he really wants your money. Men and
women of God who always want your money and use scripture to tell you it is
your duty to give to them – they are deceiving you. https://lancewallnau.com/
these scriptures to educate yourself on the signs of a FALSE Prophet or FALSE
7:15, 1
John 4:1-6, 2
Peter 2:1, Matthew
24:24, 2
Corinthians 11:13-15, Deuteronomy
18:20-22, Matthew
24:11, Romans
time is coming even now as we seek the TRUTH from God, when people will believe
anyone and anything that appeals to their FLESH {MONEY, WEALTH, POWER, BEAUTY}.
And the FATHER of LIES Satan himself has set up MANY FALSE LEADERS and TEACHERS
that speak smoothly and deceive many into believing they are of God when indeed
they are of their Father, Satan. You
know there are FALSE Prophets by the words that come out of their mouths. If they are filling you up with vain hopes
other things that just aren’t who you are or what you are about then you know
God is NOT there!!!
Peter 2:3 we read how these greedy {Money Hungry} men and women will
exploit people with their FALSE {FAKE} words.
If a “Prophet or Minister” is number
one in book sales”, so popular it is sickening, and loved and highly esteemed
by this world then they are a FALSE Prophet/Minister period. When these FALSE
Prophets are allowed to continue their work in the church, they will falsely direct
the ministers and teachers with their false teaching bring destruction upon
that church {Jeremiah
Gov. Kevin Stitt Plans to Use His Office to Align ‘With What God Is Doing in Oklahoma’ | Right Wing Watch by Kyle Mantyla - http://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/gov-kevin-stitt-plans-to-use-his-office-to-align-with-what-god-is-doing-in-oklahoma/
In the above picture you can see the thumbs up has become a staple amongst the G.O.P as they salute their support for Trump for the entire world to see.
When a man or woman stands up and proclaims they are a God-fearing, Evangelical “Christian” out to save the world; yet they vote for and support a man of this world raised up by Satan to sit in the highest office of this country, they need to sit down, read the Word of God, and repent to God for their disobedience in calling that which is EVIL GOOD and calling that with is GOOD EVIL {Isaiah 5:20}.
This claim to “join in with what God is doing in Oklahoma” is a man telling the people what they want to hear to gain popularity. Kevin makes the statement that he is going use his position to engage the non-profits and the churches to “heal and solve social issues” when the LAW clearly states that government cannot interfere church business. Seems Mr. Stitt is going to TRY to turn the government of Oklahoma into a THEOCRACY and abandon DEMOCRACY. This will never happen. At least he admits that the government cannot do anything to help the non-profits and churches.
“I am so excited,” he continued. “It’s not about me. This is something, I pray and I tell our team when we get together, we have an opportunity to join in with what God is doing in Oklahoma … We’re going to engage the non-profits and the churches to really heal and solve some of these social issues, county by county, that the government can’t do, no law can do, but our Heavenly Father can do.”
You can rest assured that any NON-PROFIT or CHURCH that helps people like me living with HIV or LGBTQI+ will NOT get any support from Gov. Stitt or his wife.
The thing is Gov. Kevin Stitt it is ABOUT YOU. The people who voted for you to sit in the Governors Seat EXPECT YOU to do what is best for OKLAHOMA so yes you HAVE A JOB to do for the PEOPLE. Once that JOB REQUIREMENT if FULFILLED each day, then you can leave the JOB behind and go out and do the work of God for the CHURCH.
Then we have his cookie-cutter wife; bless her heart thinking that her and her husband are going to go out into the state and save all the sinners. Again just words to TICKLE the EARS of the EVANGELICALS in Oklahoma {2Timothy 4:3}.
There is a LAW that created SEPARATION of CHURCH and STATE.
First Lady Sarah Stitt then spoke and said that they arranged for this prayer service to take place following the inauguration “because we wanted Oklahoma to see that this was our hearts.”
“We are God’s kingdom here on earth,” she said. “It is our call to go out into our state and save people and bring people to him and help with all of these issues. Government alone cannot fix this.”
Bless her heart. I pray God will use her and her husband if they are really sincere. If it is truly the Stitt's desire to go out and win souls for Jesus they need to step down out of government, because the government of this world is run by SATAN, and find their place in the Ministry and Evangelism of Jesus Christ.
As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ I do believe it is the CALL of EVERY FOLLOWER of JESUS CHRIST to go out into the world and witness, teach and bring non-believers to the cross for redemption and purification.
It is NOT the government or its people’s responsibility to go out and do the will of God concerning SALVATION.
Governor Kevin Stitt along with all the other “Evangelical” government officials NEED to READ the WORD of GOD and know their place in society.
We ARE NOT living in the KINGDOM of GOD on EARTH at this time, because JESUS has NOT come back to ESTABLISH HIS KINGDOM and take the EARTH back from SATAN and his DEMONS RULE!!! We are NOT GOD’S KINGDOM on the EARTH, we are VESSELS of HONOR {2 Timothy 2:20-21} saved by grace to be God’s witnesses on this earth {Acts 1:8} until He comes back to establish His kingdom here. Matthew 24 teaches us that many FALSE teachers are in this world trying to lead people astray. STAY AWAY from these. Proverbs 16:17-33 2 Timothy 3
We are currently living in a world that is ruled by PRINCIPALITIES, POWERS and RULERS of DARKNESS and God has given us the tools to overcome them in Ephesians 6:10-18.
Right now Christ Jesus is our KING {1 Corinthians 15:20-25}. He will remain our KING until He has destroyed every RULER, every AUTHORITY, and every POWER {Ephesians 6:12} that is currently RULING this WORLD. At the time of VICTORY, JESUS will hand this world over to God for Him to Establish His Kingdom here. Zechariah 8:3, Revelation 3:12
am speaking to every FOLLOWER CHRIST JESUS {that includes ALL RACES, SEX and
SEXUAL ORIENTATION}. It is time to join the fight against the LIES and
DECEPTIONS of SATAN’S pawns in the political arena. We must not sit back and
let whatever happens happen. We are WARRIOR’S for a GOD that is greater than Satan
and all his Demonic Forces. So I am pleading with you to take out your Word of
God that is sharper than any two edge sword {Hebrews
4:12} and let’s join the battle with our KING JESUS CHRIST.
OPEN YOUR EYES fellow BELIEVERS and See the TRUTH about what is really happening in our government.
Forever in Christ Service to teach the TRUTH,
Rainbow Pastor David
OPEN YOUR EYES fellow BELIEVERS and See the TRUTH about what is really happening in our government.
Forever in Christ Service to teach the TRUTH,
Rainbow Pastor David
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