Friday, October 14, 2016

Time to Debunk Another Meme - This time being backed by ALLEN WEST...

David Moorman



Allen West
So here we have another meme, this time put out by Allen West. Who is West some of you may ask, well he is a Former United States Representative. West is a Conservative Evangelical who has been a HUGE OPPONENT of the LGBTQ Community. He has made it a point to make it clear that the LGBTQ Community will NOT ONLY be the downfall of OUR MILITARY, but we (LGBTQ) will also be the DOWNFALL of this GREAT COUNTRY the USA.

Here are just a few of Allen West’s endeavors to put a STOP to the LGBTQ Communities RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS..

1. Rep. Allen West Slams DADT Repeal, Says Gay Soldiers ‘Can Change Behavior’ (

2. Why the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage could lead to civil war (

3.  Allen West Still Attacking Gays and Liberals in Life after Congress (

4. Allen West: “Gay Marriage Is An Oxymoron,” Will Destroy Society (

So Allen West who has lead a battle for YEARS against the RIGHTS of the LGBTQ Community to be Treated with Equality, Dignity and Respect, is NOW still trying to make Hillary Clinton look bad in a MEME that only PROVES how SHORT SIDED the REPUBLICAN PARTY and TRUMP FOLLOWERS have become…

Let’s start with Benghazi, which was NOT Hillary Clintons FAULT and Work our way through the PEAKS on THE MOUNTAIN…

Benghazi and the REPUBLICAN Scandal to bring Hillary Down – FAILED!!!

1.      GOP lawmaker: Benghazi committee ‘designed to go after’ Clinton (

2.      Benghazi victim's mother calls on Trump to stop invoking son's death (

3.      House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton (

Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal Unraveled

1.      Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System (

2.      Republicans Revel in Another Fake Scandal (

Since the Republicans like to say things never happen and sweep their own indiscretions under the rug, let’s not forget about the REPUBLICAN EMAIL SCANDAL that was swept away (The George W. Bush White House ‘Lost’ 22 Million Emails -

Clinton Foundation Controversy

1.      Fact-checking the Clinton Foundation controversy (


2.      Even Gilead Sciences the Drug Manufacturer that makes my HIV drug works with the  Clinton Foundation. (

Clinton Foundation Ratings

  1. Charity Navigator rated the Clinton Foundation a 4 Star Rating (


Let's take a look now at Donald Trump - the NOT so small MOLE HILL - that Allen West would lead you to believe in this Meme.

Let’s take at Headlines, you can go to the links and read for yourself, that show how scandalous Trump has been and HOW his EMPIRE is CRUMBLING…

1.      How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money (


2.      Trump’s Foundation may be crumbling (


3.      Donald Trump & Children Named By Federal Judge In $250 Million Tax Evasion Scheme (DETAILS) (

Donald Trump lies. All the time.

1.      And stunningly few people seem to care. Especially those who have turned a blind eye and deaf ear to all the man has said and done.. (

 The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet


2.      Donald Trump speech, debates and campaign quotes (, click on the link to read more.

·         On Mexican immigrants: 'They're bringing drugs,' crime and are 'rapists'

·         On Megyn Kelly: ". . . blood coming out of her, wherever'

·         On 9/11: 'Thousands and thousands of people were cheering'

·         'A total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States'

·         On his top spot: I could 'shoot people and I wouldn't lose voters'

·         After Orlando: 'Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism'

·         Trump: Putin has 'been a leader, far more than our president'

   Donald Trump quotes: The man behind the mouth

As you can see, unless you are a Trump fan, Allen West really did NOT do HIS RESEARCH – HE just fabricated a Meme with LIES and HALF TRUTHS.. 

I am sure this is not the LAST MEME I will have to decode for you so stay tuned for to come.

God Bless,
David Moorman




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