Monday, October 17, 2016

This horrifying leaflet given out in Amsterdam is calling on all religions to unite to attack gay people

This horrifying leaflet given out in Amsterdam is calling on all religions to unite to attack gay people
Twitter                                                                                                              This hate flyer is being handed out in Amsterdam

 Two gay men were attacked in Amsterdam shortly after the leaflets were distributed
A leaflet calling on all religions to unite to attack gay people is being distributed in Amsterdam.
Police are investigating after the pamphlet was distributed in every house across the west districts of the Netherlands capital.

It is unknown who is behind the leaflets. At least 20 reports have been filed with the authorities.
‘According to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, homosexuality is forbidden,’ the leaflet reads, before quoting Romans 26-28 that refers to men ‘burned in their lust toward one another’ who received ‘due penalty for the error.

Also quoted is the homosexuality is an ‘abomination’ line from Leviticus, as well as the Qu’ran’s take on Sodom and Gomorrah referring to ‘immorality’.

On the other side of the flyer is a list of incorrect and offensive ‘statistics’.

The number of children being sexually abused by homosexual parents is 29%,’ they claim.
‘Homosexuals have a 50% higher chance of depression than heterosexual people. The suicide percentage is more than 200%.’

And below the picture.

‘The moral responsibility for these children is all of ours for the coming generations,’ the flyer says. ‘All Muslims, Christians and Jews must unite.’

And while Amsterdam is known to be a liberal city, it appears hatred is growing.

On Saturday night, two gay men aged 52 and 55 were attacked near Central Station. They were first insulted, and then one was punched to the floor and kicked in the face. While bystanders rushed to help, the perpetrators ran away and have not been caught.

‘It is outrageous that this happens and shows once again that we must continue to work every day in Amsterdam to the acceptance of LHBTI’s,’ Simone Kukenheim, from Alderman Diversity, told Het Parool.

The Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage, with the first legal wedding taking place between two men was in Amsterdam in 2001.

Additional reporting by Stefanie Gerdes.

Read more articles from Gay Star News, here.

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