Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How to find a PrEP doctor in your area


Want to find out more about PrEP, and if it’s right for you, but not sure where to get services?
Researchers from the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University recently published a searchable, online directory of PrEP providers across the United States.

This PrEP services directory is the first of its kind, and includes more than 1,200 PrEP service provider across all 50 states.  All of the providers listed in the directory have specifically indicated that they offer PrEP, and some offer financial assistance for people who do not have insurance.
PrEP providers that are not listed in the directory can submit their information to be listed on the site at

PrEP is a highly effective HIV-prevention strategy that includes taking a once-daily medication named Truvada. PrEP is prescribed to people at significant risk for HIV, which can include: people with HIV-positive or unknown status partners, men who have sex with men, transgender women, sex workers, and people who use injection drugs. Find more information about PrEP at

Click on image to be taken to US PrEP Provider Directory

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