Sunday, October 30, 2016

Can't Wait For The Election To Be Over, So Things Can Get Back To Normal

How many times have we heard that line already?
And will things really get back to "NORMAL"?
I do NOT think so...

David Moorman



I have actually been guilty of getting caught up in a conversation sort of like this one, without saying so things could get back to normal.

"A friend posted that she'd be glad when the election is over, so we can get back to normal.”

You see I would have to say I disagree with this complete statement because things will NEVER be “NORMAL” again as far as I am concerned. 

This election has given me a glimpse into the ugliness that lurks in the hearts of so many people, including some of my “close” friends [Not so close anymore] and even my family members [some of which will never hear from me again]. 

I know you are all asking yourselves what in the world is he talking about?

 Well, I am glad you asked…

You see when you chose to exercise your RIGHT to VOTE, which I am so glad you will because I CERTAINLY am going to also, and you cast that VOTE for TRUMP/PENCE I get a glimpse of your hearts.

I know people say they are voting for TRUMP because he is not a POLITICIAN… Well how special of you to think that a REALITY TV HOST can actually RUN THIS COUNTRY. The man’s whole “EMPIRE” is crumbling and yet all his faithful followers seem to still think he is a great businessman, because he says so

Let me stop there before I get too carried away. I just want to take this time to point out exactly why things will NEVER BE NORMAL AGAIN.  When you cast that VOTE for TRUMP/PENCE you are casting A VOTE AGAINST the LGBTQ COMMUNITY, which I happen to be part of as a GAY MAN. When you cast that Vote for TRUMP/PENCE you are sending a very CLEAR MESSAGE to everyone of your friends and family members who are LGBTQ, Latina, Black, Asian, Muslim, Jewish, or even a WOMAN for that matter that YOU REALLY DO NOT CARE about the DAMAGE TRUMP/PENCE have done towards them and what will happen if they get into office.  TRUMP/PENCE plan on taking back EVERY RIGHT AND FREEDOM that the LGBTQ COMMUNITY has obtained under OBAMA and WE WILL NOT ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN.


Oh I know you say that on November 9th it won’t matter anymore – WELL IT WILL MATTER because the DAMAGE will have already been done. THE message will have been sent and the RECEIVERS will have taken it to heart and only time will see if what once was will ever be able to be restored.

NO I am NOT looking forward to things going back "NORMAL", BECAUSE NOW I KNOW DIFFERENTLY…

David Moorman

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