Friday, October 14, 2016

LGBTI ally Dolly Parton has a question for anti-gay Christians

LGBTI ally Dolly Parton has a question for anti-gay Christians
Dolly Parton has spoken out in favor of same-sex marriage.

'If you're the fine Christian that you think you are, why are you judging people?'

14 October 2016


Dolly Parton has become increasingly outspoken when it comes to standing up for her legions of gay fans.

This doesn’t always sit well with the legions of Parton fans who identify themselves as Christians.

But Parton, now 70 and as popular as ever, isn’t wavering in her loyalty to the group that has ‘made me the poster child only because I’ve been so outspoken about being accepting of people in general.’

‘I do not believe that we should criticize and judge other people – I think we should be accepting and loving,’ Parton told Larry King in a recent interview.

‘We are all God’s children. We are who we are and we should be allowed to be who we are.’
King asked Parton if she has had any pushback from faith–based organizations or Christian fans because of her embrace of LGBTI people.

‘Absolutely, oh yes. I get it all the time,’ she said.

‘I keep saying, “If you’re the fine Christian that you think you are, why are you judging people?’ That’s God’s job. We’re not judges, we’re supposed to love one another, we’re supposed to not judge. We’re not supposed to take vengeance on other people, that’s God’s job. I’ve got too much work to do in my own not to (try) and do God’s work too.’

Parton added: ‘I just think that we should be more loving, more caring. We are who we are. If you’re gay, you’re gay. If you’re straight, you’re straight and you should be allowed to be how you are and who you are.’
Larry King interviews Dolly Parton (September 2016)

Read more Articles from Gay Star News, here.

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