Sunday, September 11, 2016

Our LGBT 9/11 Heroes

Father Mychal F. Judge
New York City
The fire department chaplain died while administering last rites at ground zero.

Mark Bingham
San Francisco
Friends are certain he saved lives by keeping the hijackers from their intended target.
Carol Flyzik
Plaistow, N.H.
Her passions were human rights, her Victorian home, and, of course, her partner.
David Charlebois
Washington, D.C.
As an American Airlines copilot, he was a strong advocate for domestic-partner benefits at the company.
The Brandhorst-Gamboa family
Los Angeles
The dads and their adopted toddler were returning from an annual trip to P-town.
Joseph Ferguson
Washington, D.C.
The National Geographic educator died doing what he lived for — traveling.

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