Sunday, May 15, 2011

Reconciling Sexual Orientation with the Scriptures

Reconciling Sexual Orientation with the Scriptures
Rev. Kevin A. Konkle
Senior Pastor, True Love Christian Fellowship
........Indianapolis, ....Indiana

Sexual Orientation We believe that gender is unimportant in God’s eyes here on Earth for there is neither male nor female, but we are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians ....3:28). We believe that gender is unimportant in God’s eyes in heaven, for there will be neither male nor female in heaven, but we will be as the angels (Mark ....12:25). Therefore we believe that God does not look at gender as a factor in determining what a loving, committed, covenant relationship is. God looks for true love and true commitment between two people, no matter what the gender of the persons involved, to determine what a loving, committed, covenant relationship is.
The Bible says we were made in the image of God when God looks in the mirror our reflection is what He sees. God created male and female in His image (Genesis ....1:26-27). Then the image of God is not that of male or female alone, but of both. God created Adam and Eve originally for two purposes: companionship- helping each other, and reproduction of the species. Over time the humans race has reproduced plentifully and efficiently. The need to be fruitful and multiply is not as urgent today. In fact today many loving, committed, covenant relatioships exist that are not primarily for the reproduction of the species, but are primarily for companionship and helping each other. These loving, committed, covenant relationships are just as important and special in God’s eyes as those relationship that are also for the reproduction of the species. The ancient stereotype of relationships that exist where no children are born are less special, is not a proper scriptural or sociological view in our society.
We believe that God loves variety, and created each person uniquely with physical, emotional, mental, temperamental, and sexual orientation characteristics, that may be different from others (Psalms 139:14-16). We believe that each person is a masterpiece from God’s artistic collection. We believe that God knit us together in our mother’s womb with different eyes, hips, laughs, temperments, and sexual orientation. This He did to add beauty and variety to our world.
There are some examples in scripture of two people of the same sex in a loving, committed, covenant relationship:
Jonathon & David (1 Samuel 18:1), Ruth & Naomi (Ruth ....1:16-17), Centurion Soldier & "Servant" (Luke 7:2)
We believe that the proper expression of sexual love in God’s eyes is within the context of two persons of the same or opposite sex in a loving, committed, monogamous relationship. This relationship should be as close to a marriage type relationship as legally possible. Sexual activity with another person in any other context is displeasing to God. We strongly believe, any sexual activity between minors and adults in displeasing to God and should be illegal.
Acting on homosexual lust or heterosexual lust is displeasing to God. (Ephesians 5:3)
The scriptures speak against:
*Homosexual gang rape - ........Sodom and ........Gomorrah (Genesis 19:1-7)
*Straight people experimenting with homosexuality for pleasure (Romans ....1:26-27)
*Homosexual activity and prostitution in worship of idols (Leviticus ....18:22)
*Homosexuals acting on their most carnal, lustful desires towards other humans, with no love. (1Corinthians 6:9-10)
All of the above we believe are displeasing to God, and that one can repent of and be forgiven for these actions. (1 John 1:9).
We believe just as David, Abraham, and Solomon had sexual partners that they shouldn’t have had, God still loved them and used them- but He wanted them to change that area of their life. People engaged in sexual activity that is displeasing to God should not be judged or treated horribly, but should be helped into a better relationship with Jesus and a healthier more meaningful lifestyle.
What does the New Testament say about the Old Testament laws?
Colossians 2:14 "having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross." NIV
Closeted Christians:
*Jesus said whatever you are in your heart, that’s what you are, whether you act on it or not. (Whited Sepulchers- Matthew 23:27, adultery- Matthew 5:28) If you are gay in your heart, and if what you are in your heart is what you really are in the eyes of God- then you are gay whether you act on it or not. So if being gay is a sin and you are gay in your heart, then you have no hope for salvation, since your status with God is reflected by what’s in your heart, and not by what others see. However, being gay is not a sin. Jesus loves and accepts you as you are- not as other people see you! Jesus knows you are gay. You have been out of the closet to God since He created you. He’s not surprised to know you are gay, and He loves you and accepts you just as you are. In fact He knew you were gay but He still chose to commune with you and use you for His glory! Be yourself and be free in Christ Jesus!
*Jesus gave the death penalty to the dishonest (Annanias & Saphira- Acts 5:4-5). He gave new life and new hope to the people with questionable sexual histories (Adulteress woman- John ....8:11), but who were honest. He became more upset about dishonesty, then He did about sexuality. Psalms 101:7 NIV "No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence."
*Jesus never condemned homosexuality- he condemned adultery, judgemental people, religious hypocrites, and ceremonial-loving Pharisees, but never homosexuality. In fact many Biblical scholars believe Jesus told a gay Roman centurion soldier that the soldier had greater faith, then the faith Jesus had seen in all ........Israel(Matthew 8). The centurion asked Jesus to heal his "pais." This is a Greek term often used in ancient times to refer to a servant who was his master’s same-sex partner. [K.J. Cover, Greek Homosexuality (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1978), p. 16]. Many Biblical scholars believe this was Greek at the time for "gay lover/partner" Jesus didn’t launch into a sermon about the evil of his relationship with another man and condemning him, Jesus just healed this gay centurion’s "pais" or very dear servant. By this miracle of healing, Jesus preserved this loving same-sex relationship. We feel the church should be the same way- healing, not judging.
*The Acts of the Apostles shows the early church did not condemn homosexuals. Phillip was sent by God into the desert just to convert and baptize what many Biblical scholars believe was a gay black man, the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts ....8:27-37). At that time, eunuchs had a reputation as having homosexual orientation. In fact in Bible days saying one was a "eunuch" would be similar to saying today that one was an "Male hairdresser from ........San Francisco". The eunuchs were very much stereotyped by their society- some things never change. Yet Phillip didn’t talk to him about whether he was gay or not, he just told him the good news about Jesus and baptized him. We believe the church should be the same way- converting and baptizing, not judging.

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