Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Continued Journey Living with HIV

Here it is the first week in September 2015 and it seems the medication changes are not going as well as I would have liked. If you have been following my journey living with HIV, you will remember that on May 22nd, 2015 I was put on the following combination for treating my HIV:

Even with this medication change I have still managed to gain weight. At least I have not gained as much as I did for the eight months I was on TRIUMEQ.

Since my last entry in My Continued Journey Living with HIV my Primary Care Physician has set down with me and we were able to go through my medication list to determine what I REALLY need verses what all my other Doctors had me on. Instead of taking close to 20 pills twice a day, I am now only taking 8-12 pills twice a day. Since I have continued to gain weight we are going to meet again to see which of the pills I am on that may be continuing to interfere with my body’s metabolism. I will be meeting with my PCP on the 9th of September to determine which pills may be switched out to a better fit with my symptoms from fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy, blood pressure, heart issues and multiple back issues. Together we have gone through 3 different medications to find one that will help me with the insomnia, but none of them have worked. I have been able to keep the Diabetes Diagnosis under control with my diet so NO pills for that one. Praise God for that one.

September and October are going to be busy months for check-ups. I will be seeing my ID Doctor this month so we can check my CD4 and Viral Load. I have been undetectable for 6 years with a very high CD4 of almost 3000. That in itself is a wonderful victory over this HIV disease.  I will be discussing my options for different medication. I pray we find the perfect combination so I quit gaining all this weight. In October I will be seeing my Heart Specialist for testing and scans. I am praying that nothing has changed much since my visit in March. I fear that that will not be the case since I have gained almost 50lbs since last October.

I have been fighting the depression that is trying to creep back up on me. Let me tell you it seems like a never ending battle. I know there are those out there in the “Church” world that would say if I were trusting in the Lord I would not be going through the depression, but they would be severely wrong. I have spoken with my Pastor about it and he assured me that it is okay to not be okay sometimes. When you are going through traumatic changes in your life’s journey, you can experience times of self doubt, fear, depression, loneliness, and even feel as if there is no hope. I do however, TRUST in GOD fully because HE has never left me or forsaken me. I know things will be okay, but right now I just feel like the WARRIOR CHILD needs to cry a little and go rest in the ARMS of the ALMIGHTY GOD. It is during times like these that I am reminded of Twilla Paris’ song “The Warrior is a Child”. Yes I feel like a warrior because of all the struggles I am going through with my body and my mind. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that GOD will once again bring me into a peaceful place and let me know that He will help me get through this time.

Thank you for taking the time to follow my journey living with HIV. I will continue to update as I visit all the Doctors over the next two months.

May God richly bless your life and may my journey encourage you that just because you may have HIV HIV does not have you unless you give it permission too.

Blessings and Peace, David

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