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'Days of innocent Saturday morning cartoons officially over' |
Rainbow Pastor David
Really!?! 'Days of innocent Saturday morning cartoons officially over' is absolutely ridiculous considering Saturday morning cartoons have been promoting VIOLENCE for over 75 years.
Remember the good ole days when we were growing up in the 50’s, 60’s, and
70’s and even into the late 80’s and 90’s? Back then we watched Bugs Bunny and
even Daffy Duck transform themselves into women numerous times. You never heard
such horrible things as what is being said of modern cartoons with character’s
playing the part of young people dressed in drag. This article you are about to
read was written from a “RELIGIOUS” organization that has nothing but HATE for
the LGBTQI+ Community. There is NO LOVE of GOD it is pure HATE wrapped in FALSE
I will let you be the judge
for yourself. I am however adding the REAL TEACHINGS from the WORD OF GOD so
you can see where this “RELIGIOUS” organization has strayed from, added to and
even taken away from the WORD of GOD. This is not acceptable to God according
to HIS WORD in Deuteronomy
4:2, Deuteronomy 12:32 and in Revelation 22:18-19.
the time to read and see for yourself how this organization is promoting HATE
"Yogi Bear, the Road
Runner, Yosemite Sam? Apparently these characters are just not cutting
it for cartoons these days. Set to debut June 28 is an animated show
about “toddler drag queens” called “Drag Tots!” features voicing from
“famous drag queens,” including RuPaul. Then there’s the Netflix
cartoon “Super Drags.” –Source
{This “Source” was written
on June 14, 2018 by Far RIGHT WING RELIGIOUS organization WND. This is an
opinion piece NOT based on the WORD of GOD but the word of man.}
Is this not expected? Yes it
was. And students of prophecy have been warning people for years on this. But
because it comes in so stealthily and slowly via the Vatican's long prophesied
agenda, all those that ignored the warnings from years ago can't see how it has
come to such a festering boil today. ***Christian prophecy that is based on true Biblical definition is no
fly-by-night dime store psychic news network that fails over 90% of the time.
Christian prophecy is 100% accurate from start to finish and it never changes.
{***This part of the
paragraph is TRUTH}
{3} Now that the media, the churches, the schools and the governments of the world are doing the same thing they did in Noah and Lot's day with homosexuality, the long prophesied homosexual agenda of the Vatican will finally do as prophecy predicted it would do in ending all life on earth. But before the smoke of the Vatican's burning rises up, (See Revelation 18:9) Satan will appear as Jesus Christ to stand in unison with the Pope regarding their Pagan holy day of Sunday so as to make billions believe the Vatican is not the vat of sin it was prophesied to be and then the mark of that awful beast will be enforced worldwide. {4} It is then the plagues will begin for it was also prophesied in Psalms 119:126 that at this point "It is time for the Lord to act; they have broken Your law."
{1} And just as it was in the days of
Noah, so it will be in the time of [the second coming of] the Son of Man: the people were eating, they
were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, [they were indifferent to
God] until
the day that Noah went into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the
same as it was in the days of Lot. People were eating, they were drinking, they
were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building [carrying on business as usual, without regard for their sins]; but on the
[very] day that Lot left Sodom it rained fire and
brimstone (burning sulfur) from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just the
same on the day that the Son of Man is revealed. Luke 17:26-30
There is NO MENTION by JESUS CHRIST in this passage that says
“global acceptance of
homosexuality in both society and in the church will be the final reason the
world will finally come to an end”
This Religious Organization’s claim that in Noah’s Day “homosexual marriage and
all that perversion entails was embraced everywhere in society. And yes, that
is why the homosexuals today wave the rainbow flag. It's a mockery to the
reference of the rainbow that appeared in the clouds after the Lord destroyed the
world by that flood” is another ADD ON to the
WORD OF GOD by mankind and GOD will NOT TOLERATE this!!!
{2}The original Rainbow Flag
had 8 colors. It was not created as an opposition to GOD or RELIGION. It was
created to represent the diversity in the LGBTQI+ Community. Up until 1978 when
the Rainbow Flag was created the only “Symbol” the LGBTQI+ Community had was
the PINK TRIANGLE used by the NAZI’S to identify LGBTQI+ individuals.
- Pink — Sex
- Red — Life
- Orange — Healing
- Yellow — Sunlight
- Green — Nature
- Turquoise — Magic
- Blue — Peace
- Violet — Spirit
"It was necessary to
have the Rainbow Flag because up until that we had the pink triangle from the
Nazis — it was the symbol that they would use [to denote gay people]. It came
from such a horrible place of murder and holocaust and Hitler. We needed
something beautiful, something from us. The rainbow is so perfect because it
really fits our diversity in terms of race, gender, ages, all of those
things." Gilbert Baker – Creator of the Rainbow Flag
{3} Revelation 18:9 In the following verses, the kings (vv 9, 10), merchants (vv 11-17), and sailors (vv 17b-20) mourn the fall of Babylon,
just as the same three groups mourn the fall of wicked Tyre in Ezekiel 26; 27.
Revelation 18:2 - Whatever the exact city, Babylon here indicates human
civilization arrayed in opposition to God and ready to be judged.
{4} Psalm 119:126 – Psalm 119 is the longest psalm as well as the longest chapter in the Bible. It is referred to in Hebrew by its opening words, "Ashrei temimei derech" ("happy are those whose way is perfect"). It is the prayer of one who delights in and lives by the Torah, the sacred law. Verse 126 is part of David’s Meditations and Prayers relating to the Law of God. There is NOTHING in the whole chapter that points to any kind of “prophesy”. This is another bad attempt at perverting the Word of God for this organization’s own teachings which are blatantly false. Remember God will NOT tolerate anyone twisting the Word of God for their own selfish teachings.
This “RELIGIOUS” organization is spreading FALSE information
by adding to the BIBLE which GOD PROHIBITS. You can find God’s Command
concerning ADDING TO or TAKING AWAY from HIS Word in Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 12:32 and in Revelation
and Peace,
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