Sunday, May 27, 2018

🏳️‍🌈✝️ My Continued Journey Living with HIV - 9 year anniversary May 28th at 10:15am...

Complications from living with HIV and the Effects 
it is having on my body.



Here we are again on the cusp of another year living with HIV. On May 28th 2009 at 10:15am I was given the news by an HIV tester that I tested positive for HIV. Amazing how fast 9 years has passed. It seems so long ago now yet I know it is only a short period of time in journey.

This past year has been one I definitely would not want to repeat. I am now on my 4th PCP, 3rd HIV Specialist going on my 4th one {as soon as I find one I feel I can trust} and my 4th Cardiologist {who still cannot get my blood pressure under control}. What a year in deed.
Well other than all the craziness with Doctor’s and the hospital stay drama I went through last June, I can proudly say that I am still doing amazing when it comes to keeping my HIV virally suppressed.

 Here are my latest lab results.



As you can I am doing very well in the HIV department. I am talking with several HIV specialists about these results from the two different tests. I will have more information on those talks at a later date. Stay tuned, it is looking like some exciting news to share.

Now, if only I could keep all this consistent swelling of my body under control. The water pills just are not keeping the job done. I am having a few issues with my heart which is probably the reason for all the water retention.

From research I have found out that HIV causes inflammation. 

I am finding it very difficult to find an HIV Specialist in Oklahoma that actually keeps up with all the latest HIV research. I get a little tired of having to educate doctors who do not take the time to keep up with their field of “expertise”.

I know you are probably thinking I have gone through a lot doctors this last year and yes you would be correct. I ended up firing my PCP for turning me into the police department after I sent her a message that I really needed something done about the depression from not having any luck getting this blood pressure under control and feeling like none of my doctors really cared that I was suffering. I really liked her too and I thought we had a good relationship after going to her for 8 years. She even had me on medication for depression so she already knew me and knew that I was NOT going to KILL myself.

I literally had a police officer show up at my door. I was still in my underwear, no shirt and on the phone with my insurance company trying to get them to take care of one of my medical bills from my horrific hospital stay at St. Anthony. I told the officer to wait so I could put a shirt on. When I went outside to talk to him, he had his hand on his gun the whole time and told me to get off the phone. I informed him I was on hold with my insurance company and he could wait. After I got the insurance company call taken care of I asked him what I could do for him. That is when he dropped the bomb on my already stressful morning. He asked me if I had sent a letter to my PCP saying I was going to KILL myself. I about fell out. Are you kidding me!?! Of course the answer was no and he said well if I was thinking about harming myself I needed to let him know because the department was there for me. OMG… HE NEVER TOOK HIS HAND OFF HIS GUN. I bid him farewell got back on the computer and FIRED the PCP I thought I had a great relationship with. After that my year went downhill where doctors are concerned.

I had a doctor tell me that I have too many health issues and they did not want to deal with all them, I had a doctor tell me to quit taking my HIV medication because my numbers where so good. I had a doctor tell me to get off all my blood pressure medication because my blood pressure was fine {when they just took it in the office}, and I have actually reported two of those doctors to the Medical Board in Oklahoma. I was sent a letter from one of the hospitals where one of the doctors I turned into the Medical Board works telling me I could no longer see any of their doctors or be seen in any of their hospitals or medical facilities AFTER I TURNED THE DOCTOR INTO THE STATE MEDICAL BOARD, which I never heard back from the Medical Board about.  The first doctor I reported to the Oklahoma Medical Board for telling an HIV patient to quit their HIV medication and their blood pressure medicine because everything looked fine to them got NO repercussions for what he did. However the Department of Health and Human Services is now taking on this case. That doctor also told me he could not be my doctor if I did not tell him how I got HIV. So with my MOM sitting there witnessing this disastrous doctor appointment, I told him what he wanted to know. As most of you already know I got HIV from giving a guy a blow job. That poor old man about feel off his stool and had the nerve to tell me he did not need to know that after he just sat there and forced me to tell him. My Mom about fell out laughing at the doctor’s reaction because she already knew what was going to come out of my mouth. When we left the office that day my Mom asked me to not ever go back to that quack and of course I was in total agreement. After I sent several faxes to this doctor about my medications that he was changing without talking to me he sent me a letter saying he could not be doctor. So I sent him a letter letting him know I already had a new PCP and I had reported him to the State of Oklahoma Medical Board.

Pretty disappointing to get a like this back from the people who are supposed to be there to make sure doctors do not step out of line when it comes to doctor patient relations. Almost makes you not want to take the time to fill out the paperwork to show the medical board how doctors are behaving. I am surprised and delighted however the National Health and Human Services is taking a more proactive approach to take care of this horrific behavior.

Oh before I forget, here is the letter I sent Dr. Zacharias before reporting him to the State Medical Board. The nurse that was in the room about lost it because of this doctors horrific behavior.

Letter I sent to Dr. Zacharias letting him go.

The only response I have received from the State Medical Board of Oklahoma.  

Here is the letter I received from Oklahoma Heart Hospital Chief Operation Officer Patrick Holloway. Remember this was AFTER I reported this Heart Doctor to the State Medical Board for yelling at me for NO REASON.   

This past year was not only trying with all the health issues and hospital issues, but those ignorant doctor issues were the worst I had ever had.

I have had to take a deep breath, pray for guidance and I am still hunting for a competent HIV Specialist to go to. I have a really good PCP and Heart Doctor now thank God. I am praying this year will be a much better year with my health and my doctors.

Sometimes life seems to get a little out of hand, well in my case a lot out of hand, but through it all God has been a constant stabilizer in my life. I would NOT give my relationship with GOD up for anyone or anything. I still believe God is a miracle working God who is healing my body one step at a time as I continue to surrender my life completely and wholly to Him.

I hope you can learn from what I have gone through that life does not always work out the way plan, but we have the control to take care of our healthcare and not settle for subpar medical service.

May the peace of God heal the hurt in your hearts and minds!!!

May you feel the healing touch of a loving Savior as run into His arms for comfort!!!

I pray that my life will be an example of what God can do when a repentant sinner works daily to be a better man. I ask God to use me as light in this dark world to give comfort to those who are hurting and need guidance.

Remember God loves just as created you to be and He will always be waiting for you to come to Him in your time of need.

Blessings and Peace,


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