Wednesday, March 28, 2018

๐Ÿณ️‍๐ŸŒˆ✝️ The Rebirth of NAZISM in AMERICA



President Donald J Trump has made it the mission of his administration to PURIFY this country just as HITLER did during the 1940’s in Germany. 

His America First Pledge is all about WHITE SUPREMECY and Ethical Cleansing.
Anyone who has studied history at all can see how this Monster is maneuvering himself into a position of Dictatorship just like his idol Hitler. If you REFUSE to see it then you too are part of the problem.

The American Republican Party has become a modern day Nazi Party, PROCLAIMING GOD is leading them with Bibles Raised and Guns loaded. Remember this FACT AMERICA – the EVANGELICAL CHURCH including the CATHOLIC CHURCH supported their GOD FEARING LEADER HITLER inviting him into their churches with open arms as he completely destroyed their FREEDOM!!!!

HISTORY is REPEATING ITSELF in AMERICA and it is time for AMERICANS – TRUE AMERICANS to WAKE UP and FIGHT BACK before it is absolutely too late.

If you have chosen to support this Presidency with your vote then you have said to the rest of us AMERICANS that you DO NOT CARE WHAT HAPPENS to our FREEDOMS.

A nation CONSUMED with GREED and POWER will FALL hard
to the least of its enemies!!!

A nation Consumed with the Spirit of God will conquer
even the GREATEST of its enemies!!!

WAKE UP AMERICA!!!  We MUST be a NATION that RISES UP against the EVIL that has consumed our GOVERNMENT and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!

Therefore, since we have this ministry, just as we received mercy [from God, granting us salvation, opportunities, and blessings], we do not get discouraged nor lose our motivation. But we have renounced the disgraceful things hidden because of shame; not walking in trickery or adulterating the word of God, but by stating the truth [openly and plainly], we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. But even if our gospel is [in some sense] hidden [behind a veil], it is hidden [only] to those who are perishing; among them the god of this world [Satan] has blinded the minds of the unbelieving to prevent them from seeing the illuminating light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God; for we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves [merely] as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give us the Light of the knowledge of the glory and majesty of God [clearly revealed] in the face of Christ. But we have this precious treasure [the good news about salvation] in [unworthy] earthen vessels [of human frailty], so that the grandeur and surpassing greatness of the power will be [shown to be] from God [His sufficiency] and not from ourselves. We are pressured in every way [hedged in], but not crushed; perplexed [unsure of finding a way out], but not driven to despair; hunted down and persecuted, but not deserted [to stand alone]; struck down, but never destroyed; always carrying around in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the [resurrection] life of Jesus also may be shown in our body. 2 Corinthians 4:1-10 AMP

I STAND AGAINST this PRESIDENT and the administration that has cut BILLIONS of DOLLARS from HIV/AIDS PROGRAMS that I personally need to SURVIVE, along with millions of other AMERICANS who are living with HIV/AIDS.
This President and current administration DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE HEALTH AND WELFARE of the PEOPLE who make up AMERICA; they only care about how much they can cut to put more into their own pockets. If you support this EVIL Administration then YOU are SPITTING in the FACE of MILLIONS of AMERICANS who are going to DIE without proper healthcare and medication. I fall into that category of AMERICAN and I will NOT GO DOWN without a FIGHT!!!

When are you going to wake up? When soldiers are marching down your street to make sure you are staying in line with the REGEIM? Or when you have no way to pay for your medical expenses or put food on the table for your families?
I SAY NO – NOW is the TIME to stand up and let your voice be heard before it is too late and this nation of AMERICANS becomes a nation of ZOMBIES doing exactly what they are told!!!

God help the people of America to WAKE UP and see what is REALLY GOING on. Help America see the REAL PICTURE, see the TRUTH that has been clouded by so many LIES!!! Amen!!!

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