Tuesday, February 6, 2018

๐Ÿณ️‍๐ŸŒˆ✝️ When you FIRE a DOCTOR and REPORT them to the Oklahoma Medical Board



I had resolved that I was not going to do this again, however I owe it to other people in the State of Oklahoma to know what kind of Doctor Soni Zacharias really is. Soni Zacharias is a BULLY not a Doctor who cares about his patients.

I have been HIV positive for 9 years and during that time my body has gone through many changes due to the effects of HIV and the medication to control HIV. I have finally found a wonderful HIV DOCTOR who believes in being PROACTIVE when it comes to her patients health instead of being REACTIVE!!!

Over the course of the last nine years I have learned which Supplements I need to take because HIV depletes so many micro-nutrients that your body needs to function properly. Here is just a small glimpse into what micro-nutrients HIV depletes the body of: 

Micro-nutrients that are often low in people living with HIV include vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, and B complex vitamins (B1, Thiamine; B2, Riboflavin; B3, niacin; B6, Pyridoxine; B12, Cobolamin; and B9, folic acid). Some research shows these low vitamin levels can lead to lower CD4 cell counts and worsening of HIV. They can also cause problems like diarrhea, neuropathy, and skin conditions.
  To learn more about supplements for HIV Positive people you can visit theBody.com, here.

My HIV Doctor has gone over ALL my SUPPLEMENTS approving them because she said they are actually having a POSITIVE EFFECT on my health. NONE of the Supplements I take have any negative effects with the medications the Doctors have me on. One example I will share with you is my liver function. Several years ago my liver function began to weaken because of the HIV medication. I talked with a long term survivor of HIV for advice on Supplements I could take to help my LIVER since the Doctor I was seeing at the time said there was NOTHING that could be done. My friend told me about the great effects of Milk Thistle for liver function. So I started taking Milk Thistle and at my next office visit with my HIV Doctor at that time I was told my liver function was normal again because of the HIV medication. NOT, the HIV medication was raising my liver enzymes putting me in danger with my health. I told that doctor that I had started taking Milk Thistle and they threw a fit saying that "NATURAL" Medicines {SUPPLEMENTS} don't work. I had just proven they do. Today several years later my LIVER ENZYMES are NORMAL and I continue to take Milk Thistle to keep it that way.

Over the years I have had to add several different Supplements to my daily pill regime to keep my body in good health.

When I started seeing this NEW Cardiologist in November 2017 he seemed very knowledgeable and it seemed he cared about his patients. That ALL CHANGED on January 18th 2018 at my last appointment with Soni Zacharias. Instead of reliving that horrific experience I am posting the letter I wrote to his office and to the State Medical Board of Oklahoma here for everyone to read.

Today is February 6th, 2018 and I just received a letter from OKLAHOMA HEART HOSPITAL  saying that NO ONE and NONE of their FACILITIES would ever TREAT ME AGAIN. I just laughed when I got this message, considering I FIRED DR. Soni Zacharias on January 28th 2018 for his HORRIFIC BEHAVIOR. Here is a copy of that letter I received today: 

I have a wonderful PCP who is taking care of ALL MY NEEDS that my HIV DOCTOR is not taking care of and they are getting me in to see a cardiologist that they like in their hospital network. 

Doctors have a responsibility to TREAT PATIENTS with DIGNITY and RESPECT. When a DOCTOR becomes a BULLY instead of a DOCTOR the PATIENT has the RIGHT to FIRE THEM. I have FIRED several Doctors over the last 9 years and I am sure this one will NOT be the last one I fire. When you are living with a disease that is destroying your body you DO NOT NEED any ADDED STRESS from DOCTORS who think they are a god and DO NOT LISTEN to the NEEDS of the PATIENT as an individual NOT a TEXT BOOK GENERALIZED CASE!!!

I pray that anyone who sees this BULLY Soni Zacharias NEVER has to have the TREATMENT that I received on January 18th 2018 from this man.

NEVER NEVER think that as a PATIENT you have to DO WHAT A BULLY of a DOCTOR tells you you have to do. YOU KNOW YOUR BODY, YOU KNOW WHAT DOES AND DOES NOT WORK for YOU. 

I will NEVER BACK DOWN and become a scared individual because some Doctor tries to intimidate me and they don't even know me. My HEALTH is MY NUMBER ONE PRIORITY and I will ONLY HAVE THE BEST of DOCTORS taking care of my HEALTH.

Blessings and Peace,

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