Tuesday, April 11, 2017

๐Ÿณ️‍๐ŸŒˆ✝️ More LIES from Senator James Lankford

Republican Senator James Lankford, Oklahoma

Every time I send a letter, I get a form letter filled with the EXACT OPPOSITE of what HE is ACTUALLY doing in WASHINGTON.



On December 20th, 2016 I sent a form letter with my own words added to Sen. James Lankford and Sen. Jim Inhofe.  Of course I got NO RESPONSE from Sen. Inhofe. I have NEVER GOT A RESPONSE from him, only a form email saying that he got the letter. I guess he is too busy in WASHINGTON PADDING his bank account to care what happens to the PEOPLE he REPRESENTS in WASHINGTON. Thank God 2018 we can CLEAN HOUSE and get RID of Sen. James Lankford and Sen. Jim Inhofe.

It is time for WE THE PEOPLE to rise up together and let these Congress men and women know who their BOSS IS and FIRE THEM, because they DO NOT CARE what happens to WE THE PEOPLE. 

These two men both CLAIM to be “CHRISTIANS” while they are WORKING hard to pass legislation AGAINST WE THE PEOPLE.
Once again, REPUBLICAN James Lankford sends out a form letter that is full of BS. 
I will continue to send letters from AIDS UNITED that we can add our own words to make it official letters to our Congress and Governors. Click here to check it out for yourself. Put your own words to it and help make a difference. I we constantly bombard them with these letters maybe they will see WE THE PEOPLE mean business.
Here is the letter I sent to Sen. James Lankford and Sen. Jim Inhofe in December. And yes, I was a little harsh but they need to know that WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND they do their job, and VOTE the WILL of the PEOPLE and NOT their “RELIGIOUS” Beliefs. As a Pastor I hate that these so called “CHRISTIAN” men work so hard to pass legislation that is totally contrary to the WORD of GOD they CLAIM to believe in.

Click on Picture to Enlarge

As you can see from Sen. James Lankford’s response, WE THE PEOPLE who are on Social Security Disability and Medicare ARE REPAYING the LOAN that the REPUBLICANS TOOK from SOCIAL SECURITY. IT is very deceitful of them to do this. They have NO RIGHT making us pay back the LOAN they borrowed. They need to know WE THE PEOPLE are NOT RESPONSIBLE for their IGNORANCE and DECEIT.


Click on picture to enlarge

Click on Picture to Enlarge

Please take the time to bombard these horrific men in women in CONGRESS who are living WELL and getting the BEST HEALTHCARE while trying to DESTROY OURS. They will answer for their SINS just like SODOM; 

“Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. Ezekiel 16:49”

We the People need to pray that our GOD will continue to block the EVIL PLANS of the REPUBLICAN PARTY to destroy everything that helps THOSE IN NEED.

Here is the link for the letters you can send RIGHT NOW to your CONGRESS REPRESENTATIVES and also to your GOVERNOR, AIDS UNITED.

Thank you for following me. It is my prayer that God will RAISE UP a great ARMY of REAL BELIEVERS to STAND AGAINST this EVIL GOVERNMENT that is being controlled by DEMONS. WE have the POWER through the BLOOD of JESUS.
Blessings and Peace be upon you and your family,

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