Monday, September 5, 2016

WATCH: Human Rights Campaign launches #This Is Transgender video to fight ignorance and bigotry

North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory and Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick are also featured in the video 

2 September 2016
by Nigel Tan


 The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has come up with a new video addressing the question, ‘What does it mean to be transgender?’

2016 has been a particularly tough year for the trans community in the U.S.

Transgender bathroom rights have become such a widely debated topic in the country as political leaders like North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and other right wing conservatives continue to sensationalise the issue and advocate for discriminatory bills that rob trans individuals of their rights and freedom.

According to a recent HRC survey, one in three Americans knows someone who’s transgender. That was a historic level of visibility. But with that and the higher level of acceptance also came more bigotry and ignorance.

McCrory and Patrick have repeatedly claimed that they cannot define ‘transgender,’ and that no clear definition exists.

But that’s simply not the case.

‘People who are transgender have a gender identity different from our sex assigned at birth,’ wrote Sarah McBride, HRC’s National Press Secretary, in a statement. ‘It’s that simple.’

In HRC’s #ThisIsTransgender video, different trans individuals such as Orange Is The New Black star Laverne Cox and teen trans activist Jazz Jennings are seen talking about what being trans means to them.

Watch it and share it to fight bigotry and ignorance:
 Use the #ThisIsTransgender hashtag on social media to promote the cause.

HRC also welcomes Snapchat snaps at their ‘WeAreHRC’ account.
Read more articles from Gay Star News, here.


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