Thursday, October 20, 2016

WATCH: Gay Sex and the City in a New HIV Video Series “Mess”

From left: Jaime Cepero and Paul Victor in a scene from “Mess,” available on Vimeo          “Mess”/Jason Lee Courson

October 20, 2016


Here’s one way to deal with your HIV diagnosis: Turn your experiences into a humorous video series. That’s what Paul Victor did with Mess, a six-episode series that debuted this month on Vimeo.

Based on the trailer (below, which is possibly NSFW) and the pilot episode, which you can watch for free here, Mess feels like a 2016 reboot of Sex and the City, only gayer, sassier, sexier and with HIV.

The project came to fruition via funding from an IndieGoGo campaign, which described the series this way:

Mess, written by and will be starring Paul Victor, is the fictionalized account of Paul’s experience of moving to New York to fulfill his dreams of being an actor and being diagnosed with HIV within the first 6 months. The show centers around 4 best friends as they struggle to live their lives in New York City and deal with one of their own coming to terms with his diagnosis.

In addition to Victor, the series stars Robbie Fowler, Elle Estanol and Jaime Cepero; it’s directed by Jason Lee Courson.

“Basically, everything [that Andy] goes through in the show, I went through.... Every event in Mess came from a real-life experience,” Victor tells the Huffington Post. “It took me being diagnosed with HIV to realize that it’s not nearly as scary anymore―thank God and thank all the amazing men and women and those in between who fought to get us to this point.”

Read more articles from POZ, here.

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